Václavské náměstí 15, Nová Ves I, 280 02 Kolín 2, e-mail:
Vicinity – tourism
Hiking and riding a bike-
Travel routes:
- red one is called “Polabská“ which is connected with the international net of cycle - ways (Prague – Vienna number 11, Prague – Brno no1, no 19 is called “posázavská“ cycle - way)
- green cycle – the way of microregion called “Pečecko“
- yellow hiking trail called “Cross – country of the Battle near Kolín“
There are 3 cultural monuments in Nová Ves I which are
registered in the list of real cultural monuments.
• The church of Saint Wenceslas
• The Statue of Saint John Nepomuk
• Close wall with a fence-
- on a nearly hill called “Bedřichov“ there is
another important monument which is a memorial to the battle in
- natural memorial site is a quarry near Nová Ves I – it is a paradise of paleontology, it is possible you can look for some plant (clubmosses, horsetails) and animal fossils, which can confirm the existence of the sea which covered this countryside long-ago.
- on a nearly hill called “Bedřichov“ there is
another important monument which is a memorial to the battle in
- The river Elbe – there are some river flood-plains pervaded by riparian woodland, old meanders with its rich flora and fauna/li>
- “Klavary“ – a small water power station
- important element of this area called “Lůmky“
- Kolín – the church of Saint Bartholomew, Charles Square, St. Mary’s column from 1682, a fountain from1870, the Jewish cemetery from 15th century, remains of the Jewish ghetto with the Jewish synagogue from 1642, a musical festival called “ Kmochův Kolín“, a museum and a theatre
- Poděbrady – a health resort , the equestrian statue of King George, the Marian column
- Kutná Hora – the Cathedral of Saint Barbara (the second biggest cathedral in the Czech Republic), the Italian Court (complex of buildings from 13th to 14th century), silver mines, an ossuary
- Kouřim –the church of Saint Stephen, a bell tower from 1525, a museum
- Radim – a castle with a park
Pečky – the evangelistic church of Master John Huss – one
of the most important European historic sights of cubistic architecture



Pečky - the evangelistic church of Master John Huss (the most well-preserved European cubistic sacral building).

Nová Ves I – St. Wenceslas’s church interior